Home Banking How the new credit card rules will affect you from 1 October

How the new credit card rules will affect you from 1 October

credit card rules

The nation’s use of credit cards has grown as a result of the digitization of payments. All Bank of Baroda credit cards offer a 50-day interest-free credit period, along with extra benefits like reward points, welcome incentives, and free services. This is without a doubt the reason for this incredible increase. But along with this expansion, credit card theft and abuse have also increased. The RBI has announced the following regulatory changes to the credit card policy, which will take effect on October 1, 2022. The changes are intended to protect client interests and enforce stringent measures.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced three new credit card rules aimed at improving customer protection and enhancing security during online transactions. These rules address aspects such as credit limit authorization, card tokenization, and one-time activation passwords. In this article, we’ll delve into these regulations in detail, explaining how they benefit credit card users.

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1. Authorization of Credit Card Limits:

Under the new RBI regulations, credit card businesses are now required to obtain prior notification from customers and receive their authorization before implementing any changes to their card’s credit limit. This ensures that customers have full awareness of their credit limit and can make purchases that align with it. This rule aims to prevent unexpected changes in credit limits and the potential for customers to overspend without their consent.

Customer Notification: Under the RBI’s recent guidelines, credit card companies are mandated to inform customers in advance of any proposed changes to their credit card limits. This means that if a credit card issuer intends to modify the credit limit on a card, they must first notify the cardholder about these alterations.

Customer Authorization: The critical aspect of this regulation is that the credit card issuer cannot implement any credit limit changes without the express authorization of the cardholder. Customers have the final say regarding whether to accept or decline the proposed credit limit adjustment.

Benefits and Significance:

Preventing Overspending: The primary objective of this rule is to shield customers from unforeseen changes in their credit limits, which could potentially lead to inadvertent overspending. By obtaining prior consent, customers are fully aware of any adjustments and can make financial decisions in line with their credit limits.

Empowering Cardholders: This regulation empowers credit card users, giving them more control over their financial affairs. It ensures that they are not caught off guard by changes that might affect their budget or spending plans.

Responsible Credit Management: By necessitating customer authorization for credit limit modifications, the RBI is encouraging responsible credit management and minimizing the risk of consumers accumulating excessive debt.

2. Credit Card Tokenization:

To bolster the security of online transactions, the RBI has introduced card tokenization. This method replaces a user’s credit card details, including the name, credit card number, and CVV, with a unique set of characters known as a “token.” Each token is specific to a combination of card, token requestor, and device. Tokens can be used for in-app, web, and mobile point-of-sale purchases.

The key advantages of tokenization include:

Enhanced security: Tokens do not hold directly accessible personal information, making it more challenging for fraudsters to access sensitive data.

Faster checkout: With card information stored as tokens, payment checkout times are expedited.

OTP and CVV authentication: These additional security measures are retained, providing an extra layer of protection for transactions.

3. One-Time Activation Passwords:

The Activation Requirement: According to the RBI’s recent directives, credit card issuers are obligated to implement a one-time activation password (OTP)-based process for credit cards that have remained inactive for more than 30 days since their issuance. Inactive cards, in this context, refer to credit cards that have not been used for any financial transactions during this 30-day period.

The OTP Process: When a cardholder’s credit card falls into the “inactive” category, the credit card issuer will send an OTP to the cardholder for activation. This OTP-based activation is a security measure to confirm the cardholder’s intent to keep the credit card active.

Account Cancellation: If the cardholder fails to activate the card by providing the OTP after the issuer’s request for approval, the RBI mandates that credit card issuers must cancel the account within seven business days. Importantly, they cannot charge any fees for this account cancellation.

Benefits and Significance:

Enhanced Security: This regulation serves as a robust security layer. By requiring cardholders to confirm their intent to keep their credit card active, it minimizes the risk of unauthorized use of inactive cards.

Risk Mitigation: The rule reduces the risk of fraud and misuse associated with inactive credit cards. It ensures that financial assets remain secure and are only accessible to authorized individuals.

Transparent and Fee-Free: The RBI’s guidelines ensure transparency by requiring that account cancellation occur without any additional charges. Cardholders can be assured that they won’t incur any unexpected fees.

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The new RBI credit card regulations bring enhanced security and customer protection to the world of credit card transactions. With credit limit authorization, card tokenization, and one-time activation passwords, users can enjoy a safer and more transparent experience when using their credit cards. These measures are a step forward in combating fraud and ensuring that customers have greater control over their credit card accounts. It’s essential for credit card users to stay informed about these regulations and take advantage of the added security they provide.

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