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Banks Check These Things For Loan Approval.

In today's lifetime, we get all kinds of loan which will provide us with a platform to achieve the things we need in our...

Secured Loan- Backed by Collateral

Secured Loans are protected by an asset in other words called collaterals. The item purchased be it a home or a car can be...

Everything About A Loan Company

A Loan Company is a financial institution in principle whose main motive behind operating, is to provide finance facilities to the public. It could be...

What is a Loan Shark ? Know Here

Loan Shark is a person or an entity that charges his / her borrowers an interest rate that is above the established legal rates....

These Are The Loan Calculator Apps

As the name suggests here in this article we would be conducting a comparative study of Loan Calculator Apps available online for Smartphones. EMI Calculator:...

All The Information About Loan Balance

If you own a financed vehicle and wish to trade it in for a new one, then it is of prime importance to know...