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Nowadays smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Our smartphone can do many things in one click. Be it entertainment, whether it is online shopping, studies or social media- Smartphones have made all our work easy. The...
"Our abode in this world is transitory, our life therein is but a loan, our breaths are numbered and our indolence is manifest." A very famous quote from Abu Bakr, it shows the deep connection we hold innate to...
Generally, monetary policy is said to be that control policy of the government and the central bank, under which measures are taken to control money, its cost and its “use” to achieve certain objectives. While the responsibility of monetary...
Seeing the present banking penetration it can be said that almost every earning person has a savings account. A savings account is your bank account in which you deposit money.  This account is used for keeping money and for...
The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin over the past decade has forced most central banks around the world to seriously consider launching a digital currency controlled by them, promoting the goal of a cashless society. The...
In this article, you will get a brief idea about Fixed Deposits. This article is going to cover the benefits of fixed deposits, the types of fixed deposits, the procedure to save taxes through fixed deposits, the difference between...