Credit cards for bad credit help people with credit scores ranging from 300 to 639 rebuild their credit. The best credit cards for bad credit have annual fees that can go as low as USD 0, and some even...
Secured Loans are protected by an asset in other words called collaterals. The item purchased be it a home or a car can be used as collateral. The lender will retain the deed or title of the collateral until...
A Loan Company is a financial institution in principle whose main motive behind operating, is to provide finance facilities to the public. It could be by way of loans or advances or otherwise, for any activity other than its own...
Finance Lease
It is a method of financing assets in which they remain the property of the finance company that hires them and the lessee pays for the hire of the asset(s). The lessor charges a rent amount as a...
A Credit Card Finance Charge is an interest fee that you have to pay to the card issuer on the money you have borrowed. It is also called a convenience fee or a finance charge.
How it is Calculated?
It is...
Credit Card Balance is the amount of money that a credit card user owes to the credit card issuer. A new credit card balance sometimes takes up to 24 hours for updation, post payment processing. The time taken...