Home Loan How to calculate Loan Balance?

How to calculate Loan Balance?

Every loan you avail of will have a loan balance unless and until the entire loan is paid off.

loan balance
Calculate balance of your loan

If you own a financed vehicle and wish to trade it in for a new one, then it is of prime importance to know your loan balance before you make any move further.

What is a loan balance

It is an amount that is still pending to be paid on your loan. Every loan you avail of will have a loan balance unless and until the entire loan is paid off. The loan balance amount changes on a daily basis because of the interest that is added on daily basis.

Outstanding Loan Balance

In most cases, this is not mentioned in the statement. It refers to a past due amount. In case you are late on your loan payments then you will be seeing this amount. it is the loan amount which is due to the past.

Best Loan Calculators

If you are unable to find your loan statement, then you will need to know a few details on the procedure to calculate your loan balance. Make use of :

  • Traditional loan calculator and input the remaining time left on your loan
  • Your monthly payment and
  • Your interest rate.

The above calculation will give you approx. loan balance estimate. Once all the figures you get are matching with each other, then you have calculated your loan balance incorrect. A personal visit to your lender or their official portal will give you an accurate statement of your loan balance. These are some of the portals that can be of great help to you:

  • OnlineLoanCalculator.org
  • Cars.com Calculator
  • Bankrate.com Calculator

Point of Advice

As usual, the best way to avoid loan balance is to make any vehicle purchases or trade it off for a newer one, only in case you can pay it off comfortably. The grass may always be greener on the other side, but ruining your credit score for the sake of a new ride isn’t a wise financial decision.


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