Home Banking Brief information about E-Banking!

Brief information about E-Banking!

E-Banking Definition

Our world is getting smaller day by day all the credit in this goes to the Internet. We can easily now chat and share things through it, so can we do banking. Now our banking sector is getting advanced day by day. So let’s talk about E-Banking.

What is E-Banking

E-Banking or electronic banking is a product or service that has been designed to make banking facilities easier to access, irrespective of bank customer’s location and also overhaul its security features in complete.

Benefits of E-Banking

You can access your bank account online equipped with internet access:

  • 24 hours a days
  • 7 days a week &
  • Both At Home or Office

No more banking business or activities coming to a standstill during public holidays or any other holiday.

Some of the popular Devices that support E-Banking

  • Smartphones
  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • ATM (Automated Teller Machines) &
  • CDM (Cash Deposit Machines)

E-Banking enables its users to

  • Have a look at your bank account statement in paperless mode on the go.
  • You can have look at statement of your Current Account, Credit, OverDraft Accounts & Fixed Deposits.
  • You can do both local and international transactions in both local & international currencies respectively.
  • Pay Utility bill payments like electricity, water supply & telephone bills etc.
  • Credit card management
  • Receive e-confirmation of all E-Banking transactions via text messages on mobiles and emails.
  • Making custom payments & much more.

Security Precautions while using E-banking services

To have a safe and secure online banking experience follow the below precautions whenever you are online:

  • Always create a password i.e. alphanumeric, at least 8 characters long.
  • It should be hard to guess or unable to be generated by persons with ill-will.
  • Never share your passwords with anyone, not even with the bank employees.
  • Disable save password option in your browser.
  • Never access your online banking services on public systems or public WiFi.
  • Never keep your e-banking login credentials written on a paper.
  • Always access only those banking portals that have a digital security certificate on the top-right corner of your browser. &
  • Access your bank’s portal for more security advisories.

To conclude, E-banking revolutionised the way the world does banking and it is still re-inventing itself.


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